Therapy for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can affect anyone, across all walks of life. If intrusive thoughts and urges or repetitive behaviors interrupt your daily life and relationships with others, help is available.

I offer years of experience and training in helping people overcome these cycles of thinking and dread. With my support, you can work towards overcoming the obsessions and compulsions that leave you feeling like you’re locked up in your own mind.

Contact me about starting OCD treatment in Los Angeles, and we can begin developing practical solutions to help you gain more control over life.


What Are the Symptoms of OCD?

People suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience unpleasant, involuntary thoughts and behaviors that impact their daily lives. While the specific behaviors will vary from person to person, individuals with OCD are generally stuck in a loop of intense fears or intrusive thoughts, followed by repetitive, compulsive behaviors. These behaviors temporarily alleviate the anxiety you feel about your obsessive thoughts, keeping you trapped in a vicious cycle of continued obsessions and compulsions. If this sounds familiar, you might consider seeking OCD treatment in Los Angeles.

Specific obsessions and compulsions are ultimately unique for each OCD sufferer. But, there are some common themes of obsessions:

  • Fears they’ve failed to accomplish a certain task, such as turning off the stove.

  • Anxiety around cleanliness and germs.

  • Unwanted sexual or violent thoughts, or fears of “going crazy.”

In all of these cases, the constant rumination or frequent unwanted thoughts cause intense distress.

In response to these obsessions, people with OCD will typically engage in compulsions. Continuing with the above examples, a person might:

  • return to a previous task several times (checking that the stove is off again and again).

  • Wash their hands obsessively to cope with germ-related obsessions.

  • Engage in a seemingly-unrelated ritual, such as touching a doorknob a certain number of times, to fight unwanted sexual or violent thoughts.

These are some common examples, but OCD can be quite nuanced and not always easy to spot. To complicate things further, some people with OCD may only exhibit obsession symptoms, or only exhibit compulsion symptoms. OCD symptoms can also vary widely in severity across diagnosed individuals.

No matter how OCD is impacting you, there is OCD treatment in Los Angeles that can make managing your symptoms easier so you can live a fuller, richer life.

Treatments with an OCD Therapist in Los Angeles

Therapy for OCD usually features Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)--a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)--to address OCD symptoms and help you manage them with greater ease. ERP has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of OCD. ERP helps clients confront the “false alarms” of OCD obsessions, and change the patterns that keep them in place. Working with an experienced therapist can help you overcome the hindrances of obsessive-compulsive disorder and get where you want to go in life. Ready to begin OCD treatment in Los Angeles, and break free of the fears controlling your life?

OCD Therapy in Los Angeles

My practice is located in Los Angeles and serves the neighborhoods of Culver City, Mar Vista, and Playa Vista. You can book therapy sessions for OCD treatment in Los Angeles at my physical location or via video sessions for your convenience. I offer counseling for both individuals and couples, and I’ve been in therapy myself, which means I can support you with the type of treatment you deserve, knowing what it’s like to be on both sides of therapy. Are you ready to get to where you want to go in life? Call me to find out more about my practice or schedule your first session with an OCD therapist in Los Angeles who can support your needs today.